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A New Tool for the Opioid Epidemic: Specialized Opioid Case Management

Also included is the critical role case management can play in diversion by linking people from first responders to treatment and recovery by bridging the communication gap between the criminal justice and behavioral health systems. Case management can provide a central point of contact for resources and information for the multiple treatment providers, justice system partners, and community partners that may be involved in the client’s treatment and recovery process. This coordination better utilizes limited resources, tailors clients’ plans to meet their individual needs, and assists in overcoming barriers to recovery, such as housing, employment, and transportation.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define what specialized opioid case management is and how to execute it.
  2. Review the benefit of case management in first responder programs.
  3. Discuss the key components of effective case management.

Area of Focus: Promote Public Safety and Support Access to Treatment and Recovery Services in the Criminal Justice System


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